How it concern our life?

The things we should know about. Steven E. Landsburg's view of real world.

  Fair? It does have its principle.

  lThe fairness principle:" axiomatic bargaining theory" ,which is devoted to figuring out what fairness is.

1.Propose a precise formal definition of fairness. Next concoct some highly stylized scenarios , and figure out whether they are fair or unfair according to your formal definition.

2.Try to gauge how well those judgments jibe with the intuitive notions of fairness that we all grew up with.

3.Now repeat with a different precise formal definition of fairness, and see if it does any better. 

  "What makes you think everyone is trying to be fair?"

lThe recognition that there's more to life than fairness is surely a sign of healthy maturity.

lBut along with that maturity there often comes another, more insidious, evolution in how we think about fairness: It's easy to lose sight of the crucial symmetry principle.


 lWhen the law is so glaringly asymmetric, one has to suspect that the legislature's true agenda is not to combat discrimination on the basis of race, but to foster discrimination on the basis of social status.

lBy holding employers and landlords to a higher standard than employees and tenants, the lawmakers reveal their underlying animus toward employers and landlords.

  Sideways discrimination


Sideways discrimination reasons principled Asymmetric burdens are unfair.
practical A system that restricts your neighbors' freedom today can expand to restrict your own freedom tomorrow.

  lToday, the authorities tell landlords how to choose their tenants; tomorrow they could tell tenants how to choose an apartment. Today they tell applicants how to choose an office manager; tomorrow they could tell applicants how to choose a job. If employees reject a job offer from a black employer, they'll have to prove that their decision was not based on race.

Pastor Martin Niemoller s unfortunate event.

  lPastor Martin Niemoller, after eight and a half years in a Nazi concentration camp, wrote these words:    

They came first for the Communists, but I did not speak up because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, but I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, but I did not speak up because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did not speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by then there was nobody left to speak up.

  Against affirmative action or not.

 lAffirmative action has been called unfair to white male job applicants, unfair to business owners who are innocent but presumed guilty of discrimination, and unfair even to its own intended beneficiaries.

lAll or any part of that might or might not be correct, but none of it has anything to do with the issue that have been trying to raise.

 The arguing is that affirmative action is unfair to bigots, and that even bigots have a right to be treated fairly.

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