Why storytelling? A smart lady told me like this~

  • The development of listening skills : Sound does make sense.
  • The acquisition of vocabulary, that means words are better remembered in semantic maps with repetitive practice in meaningful context.
  • The development of literary competence ,Narratives ,Story schema.
  • Motivation raising and Lay the foundation for reading and writing.

So, how to start to choose the suitable numbers of books for teachers to share with their students?

We all remember circling our favorite books on different Book Club fliers to take home and beg or wish and hope that our parents would let us get them back all.  Maybe you have recently had this experience with your students or children? There are so many great books, aren’t there? How do you choose? Up to the Buget? Or up to your interests?

At the reading club in school, where we spend long hours reading and searching through thousands of books to find the best ones for kids everywhere. It's not kidding~we do collect a lot books from libraries and publishers which includes: Bookman, Cave bookstore, Crane bookstore. And for Chinese book? Thank God, we have National Teacher Association provides lots good books in good prices.

So how do we start?

Well, we weren’t kidding about that searching through hundreds of books part! We get visits from one to one of book publishers who come to tell us all about their new titles. We go through all of them and make lists of what we think are the absolute must-have books for the teachers and students. There are teams that go through picture books and readers, chapter books and middle grade books as well as young adult. As you can imagine, we read A LOT! But that’s ok, because we love it! Don’t believe us…just check out all these books we have to read.

After reading all of these books, we whittle down which ones we think would best suit young readers. Is one book better for boys than another? Are vampires still in?absolutely, YES! Should we offer this amazing book even though it has the word h-e-double-hockey-sticks in it? Will this picture book appeal to teachers as a read-a-loud? These are the types of discussions and questions that we have and ask when we read all of these books.

Sometimes, I think the very first time we did this is for preparing our students' competition of annually storytelling contest. No one would expect that we will have our own club. Today, one of the club member fade away, and another one moved to Japan to stay with her husband. The three Musketeers becomes only one, which left myself to work on this coming year, but I have to tell to myself~I am not along~HA~

There will be someone to do the same with me, and we can share.

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